From 1998 with 3 oustanding members of
AmorePacific and Coreana DESIGN PLANET
has start its business in the area of packaging design.
its growth is globally being developed by introducing the marketing and product planning department.
Nowadays, we are proud to assit from
brand naming, formula, package design
as well as finish product.
For more than 20 years in the cosmetics area,
we have a good network with many good selectioned
suppliers for your choice.
From 1998 with 3 oustanding members of AmorePacific and Coreana
DESIGN PLANET has start its business in the area of packaging design.
its growth is globally being developed by introducing the marketing and
product planning department.
Nowadays, we are proud to assit from brand naming, formula, package design
as well as finish product. For more than 20 years in the cosmetics area,
we have a good network with many good selectioned suppliers for your choice.
1998년 아모레퍼시픽과 코리아나화장품 출신 3인에 의해 설립된 (주)디자인플래닛은,
화장품 용기&패키지 전문디자인 업체로 출발하여 마케팅과 상품기획을 포괄하는 화장품 컨설팅 전문 회사로 성장하였습니다.
브랜드 네이밍, 처방, 패키지 디자인뿐만 아니라 완제품에 이르는 화장품 전 과정에 업무를 지원해드립니다.
화장품 업계에서의 20여년 이상의 경력으로 성실하고 좋은 품질의 용기, 패키지 업체와의 네트워크가
형성되어 귀하의 제품에 품격을 드립니다.
ⓒ1998-2020 by DESIGNPLANET